Monday, June 16, 2014

Don't Forget the Digital Assets

Here's a 21st century truth to share with clients who come to you with questions about their estate plan: Don't forget to account for digital assets. As more and more people conduct the majority of their financial transactions online, digital estate planning has become a critical part of having a secure long-term plan. And because many digital assets are password-protected, it's important that the planning is done well in advance to avoid ensure that accounts will be accessible after a loved one is gone.

Writing for USA Today, Eric McWhinnie recommends advising clients to include an enhancement in their estate plan that grants a designated fiduciary access to online accounts and data, as well as social media websites, if they hold sentimental value.
What happens to your digital assets when you're no longer around to manage them?
Left without a game plan, a lifetime's worth of online files and accounts becomes inaccessible, creating incredible stress for already bereaved family and loved ones who are left to settle an estate.

Digital Access For Your Family

In the even of your death, it is important to make sure your loved ones know where the usernames and passwords are for: Computers, tablets, smartphones, email accounts, blogs, image storage, social media accounts, online subscription accounts, online bank accounts, software accounts, etc.

As a wills attorney in Orange County (click here), I know that if your loved ones don't have this information it may cause added stress during the toughest times.

For more information click the link:

Friday, June 6, 2014

ear mites in dogs home remedies

Your dog can have several types of mites that can live in your dog’s ear, but the most common are otodectes cynotis-tiny, eight-legged parasites that feed on the wax and oils in a dog’s ear canal. An individual mite has a three-week life cycle, and is barely detectable by the naked eye. Causing irritation and inflammation, ear mites can infect the external and internal canal, and lead to more serious skin or ear infections if left untreated. Infection usually produces a characteristic dark discharge; in some cases, the ear canal can become entirely obstructed by this coffee ground-like debris.

You can battle this bad bacteria with good bacteria...Enter probiotics for dogs.

Probiotics fight bad bacteria with good bacteria. This kills the bad bacteria and rids your dog of ear mites. For more information on how you can kill the bad bacteria in your dogs ears naturaly visit this link:

This is by far the best ear mite remedy for dogs!

Video can also be viewed here

remedies for dog ear mites

If you are looking for real natural ear mite remedies for dogs then this is one video you will not want to miss!

Your dog can have several types of mites that can live in your dog’s ear, but the most common are otodectes cynotis-tiny, eight-legged parasites that feed on the wax and oils in a dog’s ear canal. An individual mite has a three-week life cycle, and is barely detectable by the naked eye. Causing irritation and inflammation, ear mites can infect the external and internal canal, and lead to more serious skin or ear infections if left untreated. Infection usually produces a characteristic dark discharge; in some cases, the ear canal can become entirely obstructed by this coffee ground-like debris.

You can battle this bad bacteria with good bacteria...Enter probiotics for dogs.

Probiotics fight bad bacteria with good bacteria. This kills the bad bacteria and rids your dog of ear mites. For more information on how you can kill the bad bacteria in your dogs ears naturaly visit this link:

This is by far the best ear mite remedy for dogs!

Added reading

remedies for dog ear mites If you are looking for real natural ear mite remedies for dogs then this is one video you will not want to miss!

Your dog can have everal types of mites that can live in your dog’s ear, but the most common are otodectes cynotis-tiny, eight-legged parasites that feed on the wax and oils in a dog’s ear canal. An individual mite has a three-week life cycle, and is barely detectable by the naked eye. Causing irritation and inflammation, ear mites can infect the external and internal canal, and lead to more serious skin or ear infections if left untreated. Infection usually produces a characteristic dark discharge; in some cases, the ear canal can become entirely obstructed by this coffee ground-like debris.

You can battle this bad bacteria with good bacteria...Enter probiotics for dogs.

Probiotics fight bad bacteria with good bacteria. This kills the bad bacteria and rids your dog of ear mites. For more information on how you can kill the bad bacteria in your dogs ears naturall visit this link:

This is by far the best ear mite remedy for dogs!

ear mite remedies for dogs

Additional reading

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Estate planning is about leaving a legacy

Check out this article we found:

MUNSTER | Wills and estate planning are critical, but often overlooked, according to an attorney who spoke about planning ahead at a recent seminar hosted by The Salvation Army of Lake County.
“Estate planning is more of a life planning process than anything else,” said Gary Bonk, local estate planning attorney and The Salvation Army Advisory Board member, who spoke at the free seminar.
Bonk discussed the importance of putting together a will and estate plan, and answered questions regarding wills and trusts, guardianship and preserving assets for loved ones. The presentation also highlighted the significance of charitable giving.
“Leaving a charitable legacy is important,” said Bonk. “Charitable giving should be a part of any estate plan.”
Planned giving to organizations like The Salvation Army can enable donors to leave a legacy of support for a cause. These legacy gifts can provide tax benefits to donors and allow them a say in how the funds will be used.
Donors who make a legacy gift to The Salvation Army through their wills, trusts and other estate plans are members of the organization’s Legacy Society. These donations play a key role in facilitating resources to support The Salvation Army mission of Doing the Most Good. 

What is a Living Will?

As a successful Orange County estate-planning attorney (, I know that estate planning can be a difficult topic to discuss.  However, it is extremely important to prepare in the event of your death.  There are several types of estate planning, but one way of doing so is with a living will and a power of attorney for health-care.  In the beautiful state of California, using these types of tools is called the Advanced Health Care Directive. 

If you want to learn more about this topic please click the link below to read this blog post in full: